Call Of Juarez
Cheat Codes
While playing the game, press ~ to display the console window. Then, enter one of the following case-sensitive codes and press [Enter] to activate the corresponding cheat function:
Result | Cheat Code |
Toggle God mode | Cheat.God( [0 or 1] ) |
Full health | Cheat.Heal() |
Extra ammunition | Cheat.GiveAmmo() |
Toggle magic ammunition | Cheat.MagicAmmo( [0 or 1] ) |
Spawn rifle | Cheat.GiveRifle() |
Spawn dynamite | Cheat.GiveDynamite() |
Multiplayer mode codes
While playing on a multiplayer server, press Y or U to display the chat window, then enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function:
Result | Cheat Code |
Changes nickname; 14 character limit | /Nick [nickname] |
List all players | /PlayerList |
Commit suicide | /KillMe |
Exit game | /Exit |
Additionally, the following codes can be used by the server administrator:
Result | Cheat Code |
Log in an admin with password defined in ServerAdmins.scr file on the server | /AdminLogin [username] [password] |
Log out admin | /AdminLogout |
Kick specified player | /Kick [nickname or ID] [reason] |
Kill specified player | /Kill [nickname or ID] |
Switch server to the next map | /MapNext |
Shut down server | /ServerShutDown |
Very Hard mode
Collect 30 Wanted Posters to unlock the Very Hard difficulty setting.
Wanted Poster locations
Episode I
1. Adrian Sikora: Inside the chest in the major fixer upper to the right as you enter Jones’ farm.
2. Jakub Klarowicz: On the step of the wagon going to the driver’s seat as you first enter Hope (the side it is on faces the street).
3. Lukasz Adzinski: Inside the chest in Suzy’s room at the Saloon.
4. Pawei Marchewka: Top right drawer of the dresser in the first room of Crazy Frank’s place.
Episode II
No wanted posters.
Episode III
5. Kacper Michalski: In the outhouse on the back right corner of the empty lot as you enter Hope from the church.
6. Pawel Blaszczak: Inside a chest in the room you have to go through immediately before the room with the Sheriff’s wife.
7. Rafal Zerych: It is on the floor of the barn inside a chest (the barn where you need to stack the boxes on the platform in order to cross it) directly underneath where you enter after you escape the burning jail.
Episode IV
8. Adrian Ciszewski: Inside the chest on the right side under a tree at the first of the two camps that are together.
9. Grzegorz Swistowski: Inside the chest next to the last set of double tents before the horses.
10. Sebastian Helios: Inside the wooden crate after you drop down across the tracks from the mine entrance.
Episode V
11. Jan Borkowski: Inside the chest at the first room in the mine.
12. Adam Jastrzebski: At the second fork, take the left path which almost immediately dead-ends with the poster on the wall.
13. Pawel Kopinski: You will get to a tunnel that will split into a Y. On the left path you should see some sacks leaning up against the wall before you enter the room; the poster is in a wooden crate in that room.
14. Maciej Jamrozik: After you get back outside by the train tracks, it is inside a chest in the shed.
Episode VI
15. Slawek Latos: Inside the chest on the right in the first train car you can enter.
16. Lukasz Muszynski: Inside the chest in the second train car you can enter.
17. Marek Pszczolkowski: Inside the chest behind the first seat on the right in the fourth train car in area with the water tower.
18. Maciej Klokowski: Inside the crate on the far left on top of the hill where you shoot the wood blocking the door.
Episode VII
19. Przemek Marmul: Inside the middle drawer of the dresser in the first bedroom at the top of the stairs at the farm where you get a horse.
20. Mateusz Manes: Inside the wooden trunk in-between two rocks at the burning wagon; the lowest corner of the wagon points directly at the trunk.
21. Haris Orkin: On top of the hill under the arch; it is next to the ammunition and bottle.
22. Michal Nowak: Inside the wooden chest beside the fireplace in the house for the hiredhands; after you exit the barn and jump the fence, it is in the house you land behind.
23. Marcin Zygadlo: Top right drawer of the desk in the office room of the house under the clock.
Episode VIII
24. Marcin Piaskiewicz: Inside the top right drawer of the dresser in Molly’s room.
25. Piotr Prokop: After the corn field next to the horse and two guys on the ground; one of the hardest to find.
Episode IX
26. Przemek Kawecki: Inside the chest in the tent right at the beginning.
27.Pawel Zawondy: Inside the cave on the mountain where the rattle snake is on the ground.
28. Jakub Sikora: At the beginning of the second tunnel, it is left on the edge of the cliff.
Episode X
29. Marcin Sobanski: Inside the top right drawer in the cabin under the clock in the first house.
30. Rafal Stasiak: On the gun rack in the front room of the last house.
Episode XI
31. Maciej Stelmaszczyk: Back left corner of the graveyard inside the little fence with a cross.
32. Slawek Strumecki: Inside the wooden chest on the left side of the main room in the church.
Episode XII
33. Piotr Sztepiuk: After the ledge were the guys are talking, jump down to your left in the middle of the bones.
34. Pawel Selinger: Inside a chest on an island in the middle of the water.
Episode XIII
35. Adam Tutaj: Second barrel on the right as you leave the mine part and enter the man made stone area.
Episode XIV
36. Waldek Kaminski: Inside a chest in the next to the last room on the right along the perimeter as you face the front of the house.
37. Wojtek Pszczolkowski: After you descend the first set of stairs inside Juarez’s, there will be a series of rooms on the left; the poster is in the last room inside a wooden chest.
38. Konrad Zagorowicz: After the cutscene with Manson, enter the left room and then left again into the dead-end hallway; the poster is inside the chest. It is easiest to grab it after you defeat Manson.
Episode XV
39. Andrzej Zacharewicz: As soon as you climb the wall into the fort and after the cutscene, drop down and head right; it is inside a chest in one of the rooms that run around the wall perimeter.
40. Piotr Wojtas: After you fight Juarez in the duel, go to the basement; it is inside a chest in the very first room to your left.
The image featured at the top of this post is ©The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III key art.