Be sure to check out our E3 hub for 2017 all week long to get the latest gaming news, previews and announcements right from the convention floor!
Years before I entered the video game industry in any capacity, I watched news roll out of E3 like my sweet tooth yearned for sugar. The convention was like a Shangri-La to me, a veritable pantheon of developmental giants. The first year I attended as a member of the press, the days passed by in a total blur. I couldn’t make heads or tails of myself but I made it through with my dignity intact. Every year since, I’ve gotten excited for the convention, just like anyone else who’s interested in the video game/technology industries. It’s a really big deal, and we just can’t wait to see what happens there every year.
Like anything else, there are some best of times and there are some worst of times. E3 doesn’t escape the negative trappings that every event is sure to have. But it also brings us some fantastic memories that we simply can’t forget. Here we’ve compiled some of the best of the best and the worst of the worst in our 2017 E3 Awards.
Biggest Let-Down: Metroid Prime 4 Reveal

So we know Metroid Prime 4 is a thing. We know it’s in development, and we know it’s going to be on the Nintendo Switch. That’s about it! Nintendo said they wanted to announce the game as early as they did, because it would give fans the answer they’ve been looking for. That the series has not died out. However, we have absolutely no idea of when the game will be releasing, what the gameplay will be looking like, or anything else really. While it was exciting to see the title Metroid Prime 4 flash on screen, it was mostly just a let-down.
Most Unexpected Reveal: Shadow of the Colossus

One of the least expected things at E3 2017 was mention of the cult classic Shadow of the Colossus . We expected the news that we got even less. This isn’t a prequel, a sequel, or a re-imagining even. The version of Shadow of the Colossus that was revealed at E3 is a remake of the game from the ground up. All of the assets will be totally recreated, and there will be an option for a different movement scheme than normal. While this is all fantastic news, it’s still the most unexpected thing to come out of E3 this year.
Most Cringe-Worthy Moment(s): The PC Gaming Show

This year marked the third year of the PC Gaming Show, and I went in with tempered expectations. The show last year was pretty great, the first year was pretty terrible, but this year might come out on top? Day[9] was brought back as the host for this year’s show and he’s arguably YouTube’s biggest sweetheart. He did his absolute best to keep the crowd laughing and off-screen you could see that he was trying to make the guests feel comfortable, but that wasn’t enough to make up for his terrible co-host and at least one of the presenters in the show.
Sonja Reid, otherwise known as OMGitsfirefoxx, was Day[9]’s co-host from up in the mezzanine of the theater and she suffered from some serious dead eyes. There was hardly any emotion in what Sonja was saying, and it was incredibly awkward to watch as a viewer. Her entire stage presence was somehow still better than that of Doug Fisher. The Senior Vice President and General Manager from Intel’s worst moment was when he said “Now, speaking of esports, we had two exciting announcements today in the esports arena. Pun intended.” Not a single chuckle was uttered in the audience, and Fisher laughed at the awkwardness of it all. To be fair to Fisher, the audience seemed to be either asleep or just there for the free swag, so it’s hard to say how many actually heard the terrible joke.
Quirkiest Game Reveal: Sushi Strikers: The Way of Sushido

This 3DS title announced by Nintendo during their livestream is probably one of the most bizarre, yet adorable, games that came out of E3 this year. Sushi Strikers: The Way of Sushido seems like a cross between Pokemon , Fruit Ninja , and Bejeweled -esque games. You play as a character whose entire goal is to eat as much sushi as possible. You link together matching plates of sushi on a conveyor belt with your stylus, which causes your character to eat them. You have the option to throw your empty plates at your opponent and that’s how you beat them. There are also tiny monster companions you can have with you to boost your score. Sounds like a wacky combination, and yet, I want my hands on it!
Best PWN: ARMS Producer Kosuke Yabuki

We reported on one particular moment in the ARMS Invitational during E3 this year. The winner of the tournament absolutely dominated, but was cut down to size at the very end. After winning the Invitational, player Zerk was invited to play against ARMS ‘ producer Kosuke Yabuki. Utilizing a play that combined moves the likes no one had ever seen before, Yabuki completely destroyed Zerk. The producer tried to be polite in celebrating his win, but we all know what that shit-eating grin on his face means. You be proud of yourself, Yabuki! You’ve earned it. Zerk definitely shouldn’t be too disappointed by the defeat, as he still held his own.
Best Indie Reveal: Moss

Completely out of left field at the PlayStation conference this year was the reveal of the indie virtual realilty game Moss . In it, you play as a disembodied character who helps a tiny mouse named Quill navigate her environment. It’s similar to Lucky’s Tale in that you are simply a camera perspective character looking over the world. But in Moss, you make friends with the character who is doing most of the work. Essentially, a friendship should bloom between the player and Quill, which sounds like an cute and epic adventure that I would love to be a part of.
Best Game of E3: Super Mario Odyssey

The vote for Cheat Code Central’s best game of E3 was unanimous among those that I spoke to. We all agreed that Super Mario Odyssey was the winner. This is the first open-world Mario game since Super Mario 64 and Super Mario Sunshine . It’s for that reason that we’re all super excited to get our hands on it. You’ll apparently be able to travel aboard a hat-shaped airship called the Odyssey and completely explore an elaborate, sandbox-style world. There’s also the brand new addition of being able to throw Mario’s hat, Cappy. (Or play as it!) It’s still a brand new mechanic that will bring some new spice to the classic franchise. Keep your eyes peeled for more Super Mario Odyssey news as time goes on.
What did you think of the Cheat Code Central 2017 E3 Awards? Let us know in the comments!