



Civilization Dev Runs Their Own Convention

Civilization Dev Runs Their Own Convention

Firaxis Games has decided to launch their very own convention, called Firaxicon. Imagine it like a Blizzcon, but for Firaxis games. For Civ that means most attendees won’t be able to complete a full game by the time the convention is done, ZING!

Firaxicon will be a two day event that will feature panels and presentations from members of Firaxis games. Many of these panels will also reveal elements of games that Firaxis is working on, including Civilization: Beyond Earth . You’ll also get a tour of the Firaxis Games office, and will be able to sit on a Firaxis Feast wher you will be served dinner and drinks during a Firaxis Feast…



Damn that’s the best con I ever heard of. Why aren’t I going to this?

Tickets cost forty dollars. The event will take place at the Embassy Suites Baltimore, and a limited amount of rooms are available at a discounted rate of $119.

Source: Firaxicon

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