



Dark Souls II Features A Larger World, But Not An Open One

Dark Souls II Features A Larger World, But Not An Open One

4Gamer , a Japanese gaming site, recently had a talk with Hidetaka Miyazaki and Tomohiro Shibuya, the directors behind Dark Souls and Dark Souls II respectively.

Naturally, the topic of Shibuya taking over direction came up. Miyazaki reassured gamers and noted that Shibuya has more experience when it comes to directing games. He also feels as though the two are on the same page concerning the future of the franchise.

Regarding the game itself, it will take place in the same world, though it’s not direct sequel. Shibuya also made the decision to forgo an open-world experience in favor of a more linear title.

The two of them share a desire to ensure that the game sticks with what works while addressing criticisms thrown at the original. Hopefully we’ll know more very soon.

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