



Dragon Quest X Coming to Wii U?

Dragon Quest X Coming to Wii U?


It’s been a long time since we’ve had a legitimate Dragon Quest game for consoles. Sure, it’s great that the franchise has found new life in the handheld platform scene, but if you ask DQ fans what they really want, a new console-based Dragon Quest would probably be at the top of the list. And if recent comments by Square Enix boss Yoichi Wada are anything to go by, we just may be getting that very soon, and on the new Wii U platform as well.

At a recent investors’ meeting, Wada was explicitly asked about Dragon Quest X on the Wii U. His response: “We are thinking that we must release the game for both the Wii and Wii U. We’re currently at the point of looking at how we can make it a Wii U launch title.” Though the answer is certainly far from official confirmation, I wouldn’t be surprised if Square uses one of its most-loved franchises to throw its weight behind the Wii U at launch. Considering how little Square Enix supported the Wii in its infancy, it could be a smart move for them to repair relations with Nintendo.

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