



Duke Nukem Forever Coming in 2011

Trails of Cold Steel III key art

Duke Nukem Forever Coming in 2011


Hail to the king, of being in development forever but never coming out, baby. Over the course of the game’s excessively long development, Duke Nukem Forever has gone from being a hotly anticipated showpiece to a constantly delayed joke, back to anticipated, then to cancelled, and finally, to apparently being saved by Gearbox and given yet another lease on life. Even though the on again, off again nature of the game’s development has more than worn out its welcome, I’d be lying if I didn’t say I hope it actually makes it to store shelves this time.

At a livestreamed presentation at 2K’s booth during PAX (via Joystiq), Gearbox president Randy Pitchford states “It’s coming out in 2011.” Pitchford also told The Wall Street Journal “Clearly the game hadn’t been finished at 3D Realms but a lot of content had been created.” He continues “We’re in the polishing phase now. This is a game where we can not make a promise we can not fulfill.” He added “We need to get past the shock and awe, and then we can go to all the retailers and first parties and work out a launch plan.” Here’s hoping Gearbox will be able to succeed where 3D Realms failed, for over a decade.

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