



EA Boss Discusses VR Devices’ “Dork Factor”

EA Boss Discusses VR Devices’ “Dork Factor”

In an interview with GamesIndustry on Monday, June 30, Electronic Arts’ boss Peter Moore discussed a number of things regarding the original Xbox, the competition between Steam and Origin, and the lack of support for handheld platforms. Intriguingly enough, one of the topics of discussion revolved around virtual reality headsets’ “ dork factor. ”

When specifically broached about virtual reality being the latest “next big thing”, Moore said that EA has been looking into it, but “ there’s not much to jump on board towards right now.

While Moore praised both Sony’s Project Morpheus and Oculus VR’s Oculus Rift, he also noted that the technology behind both devices could be their biggest downside.

It’s an incredibly immersive experience, but it’s you, ” Moore told GamesIndustry. ” You’re inside this world and you’re oblivious and of course, you can’t see. You hope it doesn’t get what I’ll call the Segway effect: incredible technology that kinda looks dorky. Or the Google Glass effect, which is the dork factor that goes with that. And that’s what we have to overcome, because I think the tech is great. These things done right, commercialized so they can be truly a consumer device with plenty of innovative content to go with it, feel like a blast.

You can read GameIndustry’s full interview with Peter Moore via the source link below. In regard to the Oculus Rift, its developer believes that the recent ZeniMax lawsuit was an attempt to take advantage of its purchase from Facebook . An Oculus VR representative declared in a statement that, ” ZeniMax’s complaint falsely claims ownership in Oculus VR technology in a transparent attempt to take advantage of the Oculus VR sale to Facebook. ”

[ GamesIndustry ]

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