



EA Unveils List Of Free Games For SimCity Owners

EA Unveils List Of Free Games For SimCity Owners

EA has officially unveiled the games that available for those who purchased SimCity and dealt with the title’s harsh, technical issues. Here’s the list in full:

  • Battlefield 3 (Standard Edition)
  • Bejeweled 3
  • Dead Space 3 (Standard Edition)
  • Mass Effect 3 (Standard Edition)
  • Medal of Honor Warfighter (Standard Edition)
  • Need For Speed Most Wanted (Standard Edition)
  • Plants vs. Zombies
  • SimCity 4 Deluxe Edition

There’s a couple of interesting choices to the list. Medal of Honor Warfighter is a pretty terrible game; you couldn’t pay me to play it again. Dead Space 3 is, undoubtedly, the preferred title, as it’s currently still a full $59.99 MSRP—the game was released just last month. It’s pretty ironic seeing SimCity 4 on there as well, but judging from the posts I’ve seen on SimCity’s subreddit, there are plenty of people looking to pick up the game. Now, they’ll have a chance to at no cost.

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