Pokken Tournament is finally right around the corner. We trainers will get the opportunity to face off against one another next month to see who’s the very best. Not only are Wii U owners getting the definitive version of what has turned out to be a very popular, novel fighting game in the arcades, they’re also getting another justification for all of that time and money spent hunting down various amiibo. That’s right, all of your NFC junk will work with Pokken Tournament.
Of course, the item that will make the biggest difference is the Shadow Mewtwo amiibo card, which is included in the game’s first production run and unlocks Shadow Mewtwo as a playable character. However, Nintendo has confirmed that all of your amiibo will also work. We’re not exactly sure how; all we know is that you’ll be able to scan your amiibo to unlock “in-game items.” Nintendo is usually pretty good about hyping the amiibo functionality in its games so I expect we’ll get a trailer with those features promoted. We’ll also be seeing Pokken Tournament at EVO 2016, which will be a real thrill. Pokken Tournament is due for a global release on March 18, and in the meantime you can stay tuned to CheatCC for more exciting updates.
Source: Nintendo Insider