February 27 is Pokemon’s 25th anniversary. To celebrate, Nintendo’s releasing Pokémon Red, Blue, and Yellow on the eShop. But it isn’t the only company celebrating. GameStop is holding a Pokemon Day, at which people can get rereleased Pokemon amiibo, discounts on related items, and even play Pokken Tournament early.
Pokken Tournament won’t be released worldwide for Wii Us until March 18, but GameStop’s Pokemon Day will be the first opportunity for people to get a chance to play the game. Tournaments will be held at select locations, which can be found at the GameStop website . As an example, there’s one store in the Chicago area that will have a playable copy of the game.
There’s also one freebie to be had at Pokemon Day, if you stop by a GameStop store. Making a Pokemon purchase nets you a double-sided poster. Keep that in mind!
Source: GameStop