



Target’s Holding a Pokemon Event Saturday

Target’s Holding a Pokemon Event Saturday

Want to have some fun, get some StreetPasses, and a few freebies? Head to Target this Saturday. A March 19 Pokemon day has been announced. It’s all part of the 20th anniversary celebration and to promote the Pokemon TCG and Pokken Tournament .

Let’s talk about the freebies first, since that’s why you’d stop by. Everyone gets a paper Pikachu visor and a shiny Magikarp Pokemon TCG card, while supplies last. They can also take a picture with a cardboard stand-up of Ash, Pikachu, and Hawlucha.

As for the games, a Pokémon TCG: Red & Blue Collection — Charizard-EX will be available. So will Pokken Tournament for the Nintendo Wii U. No deals were announced, but if you want to get either one new, this would probably be a good time.

Source: Pokemon

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