So much Far Cry Primal information came out. You won’t believe it. In keeping with making the game look as appealing as possible to anyone considering buying it next month, Ubisoft decided to put out two trailers starring the game’s characters.
The first Far Cry Primal trailer focuses on Takkar. He’s the dude you’ll be controlling. He has a big task of reuniting his tribe after a vicious attack. The Wenja are in your hands, but it looks like he can handle the responsibility.
Know what’s really interesting, though? Ubisoft created a new language for Far Cry Primal . It worked with the University of Kentucky to create a new language that would feel authentic for Takkar and his people. It’s really interesting stuff, and you can hear them talk about what went into it in this second video.
Far Cry Primal will come to the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Windows PC on February 23. It’s starting to look really exciting and deep!