



Final Fantasy XIII-2 Gets US And EU Release Dates

Final Fantasy XIII-2 Gets US And EU Release Dates


A while back, Square Enix announced the release date for Final Fantasy XIII-2 in Japan, and gamers everywhere were happy to know that Japan would be getting the game before Christmas. So, of course, we all hoped that we here in the states would get the game before Christmas as well. Apparently we haven’t been good little boys and girls because Santa is going to be a little late this year. The North American release date for Final Fantasy XIII-2 is January 31, and Europe will get it on February 3.

My fellow gamers, here is the plan: You know that one present you get every year that you just really don’t want? Well, return it, pocket the cash, and spend that on Final Fantasy XIII-2 in January. Any time you are asked whether or not you are enjoying the crappy present, just think of FFXIII-2 instead. Of course, Grandma might be confused when you start talking about how awesome the non-linear dungeons in her sweater are.

By Angelo M. D’Argenio

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