



Gears of War 3 Four-player Multiplayer Demoed; Beast Mode Coming

Gears of War 3 Four-player Multiplayer Demoed; Beast Mode Coming


Cliff Bleszinski demoed the story-driven, four-player co-op side of Gears of War 3.

In addition to seeing the new female COG (Anya Stroud) in action, we also got a glance at the Lambent — the new, tentacled, uber-baddies that make cover a bit trickier this time around.

These new enemies are super-resilient to standard attacks.  As such, players will have to work in concert in order to put enough firepower on them to take them down.  Even still, calling in laser artillery from space will be necessary to take out the hardiest of these enemies.

The action looks very smooth, exciting, and visceral.  Bleszinski stated that Gears 3 is using the latest Unreal technology (he didn’t confirm if it was UE4 or not, just the latest and greatest), but it definitely looks stunning.

Also, a new Beast Mode is coming to the game.  No details were given, but it will be available at the Microsoft E3 booth.

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