



God of War III Trailer Teased; New Pre-order Goodie Announced

God of War III Trailer Teased; New Pre-order Goodie Announced


Over on The Official PlayStation Blog, it was announced that interested gamers that pre-order God of War III through GameStop (you have to actually go to a store, as online pre-orders are not included) will get “an exclusive 17 x 24 poster signed by Andy Park, Concept Artist for God of War III.”

The poster will be given to those that pre-order at the time the pre-order is made. If you have already pre-ordered (like most of us at CheatCC including myself) you’ll have to wheel yourself down to your local GameStop and pick it up because supplies are limited.

Perhaps even more interesting is the upcoming teaser release of the God of War III trailer. The trailer will be featured in its entirety tonight, 12.30am (Eastern and Pacific) on Spike TV. We’ll get you the trailer soon in our video section .

Below you’ll find the pre-order poster artwork.

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