



H2Wow! The Next Level of Interactivity*

H2Wow! The Next Level of Interactivity*


People often sing in showers, but now you’re going to be able to game in them. Thanks to H2Wow! a water enclosure and gaming system that fits inside your shower giving your body a sense of weightlessness to enhance virtual reality games.

The H2Wow! allows you to play virtual reality games with total mind and body immersion. The virtual helmet is back to give you total 360-degree peripheral vision of the virtual environment, but this time it also acts as an oxygen mask, allowing you to stay submerged in the water tank. A series of water jets, pressure-loaded platforms, a treadmill, and special chemicals replicate conditions on the moon, allowing you to perform impossible moves and jumps that feel realistic. Water jets will add resistance for moves such as running and replicating tornadoes, hurricanes, and other weather phenomena, while pressure-activated platforms will launch you seemingly high into the air.

“The trick is into tricking the mind,” explains inventor Finnegan Applefarce. “Once you trick the body, the mind will follow. People have been trying to achieve these results for years; they’ve been using ropes, pulleys, bungees, and even aircraft to create an artificial zero-gravity environment. But only I was able to see that the solution was right under our noses. It’s water and it’s everywhere,” Applefarce extols. “It’s so easy, it’s so simple, and yet when you use this system, you will be convinced that you’re actually taking part in a platform video game.”

The heart of the H2Wow! system is the water tank. It’s made of a sturdy plexiglass and Kevlar combination. It fits inside any shower stall and is relatively easy to install. It’s also easy to fill and drain, utilizing existing shower equipment, and you can also use it as a shower, so it doesn’t have to be disassembled.

“Your body will physically move, but thanks to the water jets and built-in treadmill, you won’t go far even though you will have the sensation of running at super speed or jumping hundreds of feet into the air,” Applefarce explains. “You can even have the sensation of flying, and everybody loves that feeling.”

Former CheatCC CEO Arty Hackery tested the H2Wow! at an industry tradeshow in Japan. “It was a very busy booth, there were thousands lined up to try this out. The first thing I noticed was it smelled like pee. And even though it’s a shower-based game, I suppose I shouldn’t have taken off all my clothes. Other than that I would have to say the burgers at this show were more than fifteen bucks a pop. That’s an outrage. I would have brought my own sandwiches into this damn country if it weren’t illegal,” Hackery concludes.

*This article is presented as an exclusive Cheat Code Central feature titled “Are you dumb enough to believe this?” Please check back each Friday for the newest edition.

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