



Halo 4’s Multiplayer Requires 8GB Of Free Space

Halo 4’s Multiplayer Requires 8GB Of Free Space


Microsoft has confirmed that Halo 4’s multiplayer component will need at least 8GB of free memory when the game launches this fall.

The requirement stands to alienate owners of the Arcade, Core, or 4GB Xbox console models, as Microsoft has recommended that those players purchase a SanDisk Xbox 360 Flash Drive to make up for those consoles’ shortage of available space. Other external flash drives can always be used, but they will have to be formatted accordingly. The company “highly recommends” playing with a Xbox 360 Hard Drive for the “optimal experience,” though.

With Halo 4 set to drop November 6, letting players know of the rather large memory demand beforehand in order to avoid potential confusion later in the year seems to make sense. Any Halo fans would be wise to prepare themselves as needed.

By Jeff Dunn

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