To deal with ragequitters, Killer Instinct instituted a “jailing” system. Basically, if you were found to disconnect from your matches before they completed frequently, you would be put into jail, and you could only play with other players that did the same. As a result, you would only be able to play with people who quit early on you and the rest of the populace would be left to finish their matches in peace.
Unfortunately, things didn’t quite work out the way Double Helix, the original developers, hoped. Players were put in jail for things like dropped connections, freezes, desynchs, and even when the opponent ragequit on them! As a result, a lot of innocent players were put in ragequit jail.
Luckily, Iron Galaxy, the new developers of Killer Instinct Season 2 , are going to make some changes. But first, they need some feedback. Microsoft has recently posted a pool about the jailing system, and they want to know how you think about it. Iron Galaxy will use this polls results to figure out how they should alter the jailing system. Head on over and fill out the poll to have your opinion counted.
Source: Microsoft
The image featured at the top of this post is ©The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III key art.