



June’s Street Fighter V Story Expansion Will Last 1-2 Hours

June’s Street Fighter V Story Expansion Will Last 1-2 Hours

Street Fighter V is finally out, and it’s incredible. For those of you who have been waiting and aching to jump online and start playing competitively, you won’t disappointed. The new variable system and revamped moves list for each character offers so much depth, you’ll still be learning new strategies a year from now. Otherwise if you’re the type of person who enjoys a good single-player experience, you may be finding Street Fighter V lacking, especially in its story mode. So far we’ve been comforted by the fact that a large, “cinematic story expansion” is on the way in June. As it turns out, that expansion might not be so big after all.

The always-enthusiastic Yoshinori Ono, producer for SFV, and assistant producer Ayano posted a special message today on YouTube for fans of the game. During the short presentation they talk briefly about the coming updates and emphasize the fact that all of the additional content will be free. In discussing June’s story expansion, it’s mentioned that it “…might take you 1 to 2 hours or even longer to play through.” They seem very impressed by this, and add that they “…could have sold this separately!” This is is sure to rub some of you the wrong way, especially considering the fact that many are arguing that the game was shipped incomplete. You can view the producers’ message for yourself right here:

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