



Tekken X Street Fighter Officially Put on Hold

Tekken X Street Fighter Officially Put on Hold

Super Smash Brothers, Marvel VS. Capcom, Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney… we love all of these games. There’s something magical about crossovers that satisfies the kid in us. It’s that latent childish wonder that we used to indulge when we’d take Power Rangers , Ninja Turtles , and Transformers action figures and smash them all together in the tub while fabricating all kinds of intricate stories that involved the collision worlds. That inner child has been waiting over three years now for the release of Tekken X Street Fighter, and it sounds like we’ll just have to keep waiting.

In an interview with Gamespot (via Forbes ) Tekken producer Katsuhiro Harada explained that his team is having trouble finding a proper release window for TxSF . “When we develop fighting games, we try to keep the core community in mind as well as the wider audience that wants to play these games. But currently the situation is with fighting games, you have Street Fighter V that just released… and there’s a large crowd out there waiting for Tekken 7. We don’t want to split these communities…” So we can take comfort in the fact that the game isn’t being canceled, just delayed until the right time. Until then I suppose we could always play Street Fighter X Tekken , but for 3D fighter junkies like myself it’s just not the same.

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