



Leaked Metal Gear Solid 5 Logo Is Fake

Leaked Metal Gear Solid 5 Logo Is Fake


Supposedly, a very important piece of information regarding the Metal Gear series leaked out of Comic-Con last week. Supposedly, Metal Gear Solid 5 was in the works, as told by a fuzzy image of a supposed MG5 logo. This fuzzy camera image traveled around the Internet at amazing speeds, and before we all knew it, people were getting hyped for a Metal Gear Solid 5 project that, unfortunately, turned out to not even exist.

Series creator Hideo Kojima himself has debunked the rumors of a new MGS5 project, tweeting “that title logo is completely FAKE. I apologize to those who were looking forward [to it].” He went on to say that at least it proved he can still create buzz.

Senior Producer Kenichiro Imaizumi also commented on a variety of screnshots that have since been popping up on game sites around the internet. “These’re ALL FAKE” Imaizumi said, confirming that MGS5 is still just a faint glimmer in Konami’s eye.

Then again, all this buzz might be the exact thing Konami needs to greenlight yet another Metal Gear Solid project. Add to this the fact that Kojima has been talking about possible upcoming Meta Gear sequels and a random job ad referencing the “next” Meta Gear Solid project, and it’s clear that Konami at least has something in the works.

By Angelo M. D’Argenio

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