



Mass Effect 3 “Extended Cut” DLC Alters Ending

Mass Effect 3 “Extended Cut” DLC Alters Ending


Well, everyone, you get your wish. The Mass Effect 3 ending is actually going to be changed.

In response to a massive outcry by fans , EA has announced that they will, in fact, be releasing a DLC expansion that alters the game’s ending. The DLC will add “additional cinematic sequences and epilogue scenes” which will “further clarify the ending of Mass Effect 3.” One has to wonder, will the game’s ending be as depressing as it was before?

Casey Hudson, project lead on Mass Effect 3, said that the team had “reprioritized [its] post-launch development efforts to provide the fans who want more closure with even more context and clarity to the ending of the game, in a way that will feel more personalized for each player.” So if other Mass Effect 3 DLC packs are delayed in the near future, it’s your own fault, fans.

Studio co-founder Ray Muzyka notes: “With the Mass Effect 3: Extended Cut we think we have struck a good balance in delivering the answers players are looking for while maintaining the team’s artistic vision for the end of this story arc.”

Though we don’t know exactly what the DLC pack will entail, we hope that it will actually include more gameplay, just not an improved ending cinematic.

The Extended Cut DLC will hit Xbox 360, PS3, and PC this summer, and will be free.

By Angelo M. D’Argenio

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