



More Mass Effect details revealed at Comic-Con; Mako Confirmed

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More Mass Effect details revealed at Comic-Con; Mako Confirmed

As revealed during a panel at this year’s Comic-Con in San Diego, and put together by NeoGAF, new details have been revealed regarding BioWare’s next addition into the Mass Effect series, which includes a bunch of new information and the confirmation of the return of the Mako.

The troublesome vehicle from the original Mass Effect will make a comeback in the next Mass Effect game, which suggests that planetside exploration may also make a comeback. What’s more, this new Mako is touted to be more responsive than its predecessor.

Additionally, it has been suggested that the next Mass Effect will take place during Commander Shepard’s lifetime, but it will not involve Shepard themselves. No timeline was announced during BioWare’s panel at Comic-Con, however.

It was also reiterated that the next Mass Effect will not be a continuation of Shepard’s story; it’ll be an entirely brand new story. It was also hinted that old Mass Effect characters may appear.

As for the game’s multiplayer component, it’s suggested that cooperative gameplay will more important than competitive.

Some armor sets for both male and female humans were also showcased, but it was said that the designs could completely change in the final version of the game.

Additionally, it also seems that the next Mass Effect will provide players with as much choice as possible during play. On a technical standpoint, the game’s animation team is touted to be doing things that the studio “ couldn’t even dream about before, ” thanks to the Frostbite 3 engine.

Furthermore, it has also been restated that the next Mass Effect will not be titled “ Mass Effect 4 ”, and it has been confirmed that the main character will be human.

We’ve established that the next Mass Effect game will reference the series’ original trilogy , but the game itself will not be directly related to it. During BioWare’s panel, it was revealed that the next Mass Effect is “ years away from launch.

In-progress footage of BioWare’s next Mass Effect was revealed during this year’s E3 , where several members of BioWare’s team discussed the studio’s goal to create a story that can be discovered as interactive fiction.

You can watch a brief demonstration of the Mako in action via the embedded video below. We’ll bring you more news on the next Mass Effect should further information reach our ears.

[ NeoGAF ]

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