



Microsoft Will Be Removing the Gold Requirement for Online Media Services

Microsoft Will Be Removing the Gold Requirement for Online Media Services

For a while now, the Xbox Live Gold requirement for services like Netflix and Hulu has not sat well with many fans. You see, you already have to spend a monthly fee just to get Netflix or Hulu+. The fact that you have to spend ANOTHER monthly fee just to be able to use them on your Xbox is not exactly fair.

Luckily, Microsoft has heard the fan outcry and is set to remove the Xbox Live Gold barrier for access to video streaming services on both the Xbox One and Xbox 360. Aside from both Netflix and Hulu, Youtube would also be able to be used free of charge.

This move allows Microsoft to stay competitive with Sony and Nintendo. The PS4, PS3 and Wii U all offer access to such services free of charge. Not only that, but streaming devices such as Google’s Chromecast, Amazon Fire TV and Apple TV are slowly catching on with the public, leaving them little reason to purchase Xbox Live Gold just for the use of Youtube or Netflix.

What do you think? Did you mind paying for Xbox Live Gold for the use of Youtube? Let us know in the comments.

Source: Arstechnica

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