



Modern Warfare 3 – Confirmed!

Trails of Cold Steel III key art

Modern Warfare 3 – Confirmed!


We all had our fun playing around with Treyarch’s little side-story about Vietnam, but it’s time for the big boys to take center stage again. Prepare your tac-nukes and ready your air-strikes, because the next iteration of the Call of Duty franchise will be Infinity Ward’s own Modern Warfare 3.

The god-monster of an FPS producer known as Activision released the first trailer for the game yesterday. What did the trailer show? Actually, not a whole lot. It’s really just a brief teaser with a few voice clips and a digital overlay of New York City. You can watch the teaser here .

Of course, this has caused the rumor mill to instantly go wild with theories about the game’s plot being centered on a NYC terrorist attack. A description on Activision’s YouTube page did, in fact, say that there would be battles in New York over the course of the game, so it’s not that far off. Other important locales include Paris and London, as well as nine other unnamed cities.

A recent news post from Kotaku unofficially dropped details about the game’s single-player and story mode, but Activision wouldn’t officially comment on these revelations. Robert Bowling of Infinity Ward said via Twitter, “To avoid spoiling the experience, I’d wait for the real reveal.” Don’t keep us waiting Bowling.

We will bring you more Modern Warfare 3 info when it is showcased at this year’s E3.

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