Monster Hunter Stories , a monster breeding RPG spinoff of the hugely popular Monster Hunter action-RPGs from Capcom, is set to arrive on September 8. In the meantime, eager Monster Hunter fans and curious parties can check out a new demo. Heading to the 3DS eShop gives you a chance to try out befriending monsters instead of killing them..
This is not a very “demo-y” slice of the game. Downloading the Monster Hunter Stories demo is actually giving you access to the opening hours of the full game. It then lets you transfer your save data over, should you opt to purchase the full game when it comes out. You even get a free outfit for your Felyne buddy when you do!
For more Monster Hunter goodness, the demo for Monster Hunter XX recently dropped on the Switch eShop. It’s a Japan-only release for now, but since the Switch is region-free, anyone can check it out. Capcom is also preparing Monster Hunter World for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC for 2018, and that’s being presented as a pretty big deal too.
Source: GameSpot