



More Street Fighter X Tekken Characters Revealed

More Street Fighter X Tekken Characters Revealed


A couple weeks back, Yoshinori Ono, producer on the Street Fighter series, said that there was going to be a huge Street Fighter X Tekken announcement this January. Well, that announcement has arrived.

Six totally new characters have been revealed along with two new trailers. Balrog, Vega, and Juri join the lineup from the Street Fighter side while Paul, Law, and Xiaoyu join from the Tekken side. In the trailers, a message appeared saying “New characters await in the shadows.” When you look at the shadows of the trailer, and consider the cinematic trailer that came alongside it, it’s possible that Jin, Ogre, and Akuma will be joining the cast as well.

In addition to all of these characters, the end of the trailer teased the upcoming PS Vita version along with its guest characters: Cole McGrath from inFamous, and Sony mascots Toro and Kuro.

At the very end, the trailer also teased two silhouettes of possible other guest characters. One was outlined in yellow and looked mysteriously like an angry version of Pac-Man. The other was outlined in blue and looked much like the American “bad box art” version of Mega Man.

Oh Capcom, when will you stop trolling Mega Man fans?

By Angelo M. D’Argenio

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