



New, Larger DSi Japan-bound

New, Larger DSi Japan-bound


According to Nikkei Online, via IGN, a new Nintendo DSi with a larger screen is set to release in Japan before the end of the year.

Nintendo stated, “Suck it early adopters!” Not really, but we’re sure that’s how many feel. In any case, the move to a larger screen could be quite positive as the size will be bearly double that of the current one (ones?).

Whether both screens will be larger or only the top screen, higher quality images will be possible. It is being sugested that the change in hardware specs sould lead to alternative uses for DSi such as improved video playback and book-reader functionality. Of course, a larger screen makes just about anything possible. If Nintendo is implementing this dramatic change so early in the DSi’s lifecycle, you can bet they’ve got some important software/application support in the wings.

Interestingly, the larger DSi will cost exactly the same as the original and will likely see worldwide release.

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