



New Modern Warfare 3 PS3 Maps Dated

New Modern Warfare 3 PS3 Maps Dated


The release dates for Modern Warfare 3’s new maps have finally been revealed for PS3 players. Overwatch is set to drop on March 29th for premium subscribers of the Call of Duty Elite service. Later, Black Box, a multiplayer map, and Black Ice and Negotiator, two Spec Ops maps, will be dropping “on or around April 12th.” Activision does not know the official date and time for these maps because the update is controlled by Sony.

The PS3 is notorious for getting Call of Duty maps later than the Xbox 360. However, all of these maps are worth the wait. The two Spec Ops maps are some of the most gripping co-op experiences I have played in a Call of Duty game, and the multiplayer maps are well thought out and balanced. Sure, it’s annoying to receive them later than the Xbox crowd, but at least you know you are getting a quality add-on.

By Angelo M. D’Argenio

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