



Activision Announces DLC Plans

Activision Announces DLC Plans


Last week, we reported that Activision promised to support Modern Warfare 3 with a massive amount of DLC . In a press release today, they gave us some of the details of how this will work.

The new DLC content will include new multiplayer maps, new Spec Ops missions, brand new game modes, and more. Call of Duty Elite Premium subscribers will get the content first, while the rest of us will be able to buy the content piece by piece at a later date. Elite subscribers will get new DLC once a month starting on January 24th and ending in September. During the first three months of 2012, Activision will release five different content drops on three separate occasions, so you are getting a bit more right in the beginning.

The first two pieces of DLC will be all new multiplayer maps including Liberation, which takes place in New York’s Central Park and Piazza, which is set in an Italian seaside village. Liberation is vast, long, and open, allowing for snipers to have a blast. There are mounted turrets on either end right out in the open, like some sort of bullet-ridden soccer game. Piazza is pretty much the exact opposite, filled with tight corners and closed-in pathways that make close combat the game of choice.

The third piece of content will become available in mid-February, while the first buyable content bundle will drop in the middle of March. In addition, Call of Duty Elite will be running a series of events for real-world prizes throughout the nine-month DLC period. Supposedly, there will be an event to celebrate each content drop.

If that doesn’t seem like a good enough reason to subscribe to Call of Duty Elite’s Premium service, I don’t know what else it would possibly take to get you on board.

By Angelo M. D’Argenio

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