



New Skyrim Patch To Address PS3 Lag, We Hope

New Skyrim Patch To Address PS3 Lag, We Hope


Bethesda games are generally known for being more fun than stable, and anyone playing Skyrim on the PS3 has probably encountered some serious lag issues. When patch 1.3 came out, Bethesda said that lag would be addressed, but, unfortunately, the problems persisted for much of the PS3 Skyrim community.

But if at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.

Now, Bethesda is readying a new patch, patch 1.4, that will come out later this month and supposedly address the lag issue.

Until then, Bethesda has recommended disabling auto-saves, clearing space on your hard drive, and using the wait or rest abilities to temporarily alleviate PS3 lag. Unfortunately the lag just seemed to get worse as the size of your PS3 save file got bigger. Let’s hope that this patch will finally stomp out these lag bugs once and for all.

By Angelo M. D’Argenio

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