A recent AP-AOL Games poll has surveyed adults about their gaming habits. According to the poll, forty percent of American adults play games on a computer or console. The most likely gamers are men, younger adults, and minorities.
Among the adults that describe themselves as gamers, forty-five percent play online games. Forty-two percent of these online gamers spent at least four hours playing games during an average week. This number diminishes to twenty-six percent when speaking to gamers who don’t play online. About one in six online gamers play for over ten hours a week.
It seems that online gaming is expensive too. One-third of online gamers spent more than $200 last year on gaming. Yet, when you include all gamers, thirty-one percent of gamers say they spent $100 or less in the past year. Only eleven percent spent over $500. Online gamers were more likely to have spent more than $500 than non-online gamers. Six out of ten hardcore gamers (those who play three or more hours per week) spent $200 or less on games last year.
The most popular games are board or card games, followed by strategy games, action sports, first-person shooters, and simulations. Casual, strategy, and role-playing games were most popular among online gamers.
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