



New Xbox One Video Showcases Kinect’s Voice Navigation

New Xbox One Video Showcases Kinect’s Voice Navigation

Yesterday, Xbox.com released a new video regarding how Kinect can be used to navigate through the Xbox One dashboard.

The video starts out by showcasing the welcome screen tailor-made specifically to the user’s real name. After the successful login, we are treated to a brief, but seamless walkthrough of the entire dashboard. The activity feed options are highlighted along with an overview of how easy it is to switch between activities and record and upload gameplay footage. The video concludes with the user finishing up a short Skype conversation before saying Xbox off.

After having a look at the video, I would say that the Xbox One and Kinect voice-navigation features look good and run extremely fast. It is worth noting that Microsoft already stated that gamers will not be able to use their real names at launch and that an update will be released at a later time to address that. Overall, I would say that Microsoft has done a great job of letting us know more and more about the console by releasing videos like this one.

What do you all think of this voice navigation dashboard overview? Feel free to let us know in the comments section below.

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