



Newegg’s Mass Effect Mix-Up

Newegg’s Mass Effect Mix-Up


Those who ordered the Xbox 360 version of Mass Effect 3, released on Tuesday, from Newegg may have been nonplussed when they opened their package and found, rather than a copy of the closing entry in BioWare’s smash-hit space opera RPG trilogy, copies of Madden 12. Not a bad game, but still not what buyers had paid for.

Newegg, always known for customer-friendly return policies, has already issued a statement to those affected, shipping the game out overnight to those who received the wrong title and issuing a shipping label for the return of Madden 12. Despite the formal apology, it seems a bit strange that the most Newegg is willing to do in response to such a bone-headed move is to send the right product, late, without further compensation. Maybe a code for the From Ashes DLC would be applicable, Newegg. It’s just a thought.

By Shelby Reiches

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