



Next Zelda for Wii Aiming for Perfection

Next Zelda for Wii Aiming for Perfection


Nintendo of America head, Reggie Fils-Aim é let the world know via Nintendo Week (YouTube video embedded below – jump to 4:53) that the next The Legend of Zelda title for Wii will have to be perfect before it launches.

When asked about the upcoming game and its progress, Reggie stated “Right now, it’s still in development. But the key message that Mr. Miyamoto and Mr. Aonuma is telling us is that it really has to be perfect when it launches. That really is what the Zelda fan is expecting.”

He concluded by offering this bit of advice: “So for all of those Zelda fans out there right now, I would say enjoy The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks, and know that the Zelda title for Wii is going to come out when it’s perfect.”

Hopefully, Holiday 2010 still holds up, but we’re glad their making a commitment to perfection, especially considering about 10 million people are going to buy this game.

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