



OmniVision May Supply Nintendo With Cameras

OmniVision May Supply Nintendo With Cameras


Nintendo is kind of like the Apple of the video game world. While everyone else is pushing for more power and greater functionality with the tech we already have, Nintendo is innovating, integrating new technologies into our consoles that we may not have thought of before. Well, now it appears that Nintendo and Apple might have more in common than we think.

There is a rumor going around that OmniVision, the guys who work with Apple on the iPhone camera, are now working with Nintendo on Project Café. Recently, the company said that it got a hold of a “significant design win” for a new gaming console to be revealed later this year. The only consoles to be revealed this year are Sony’s NGP and Project Café. Supposedly, Sony is making its own cameras for the NGP, so that really only leaves Nintendo as a possible candidate.

Imagine the incredible iPhone 4 camera being integrated into every single Project Café controller. If anything even close to that level of quality is able to make it to the final product, AR games will be unlike anything we have seen before. Even more so, it seems possible that you could use your controller as a substitute for a digital camera.

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