



PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale Is Real?

PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale Is Real?


A while back, a rumor was going around Sony was working on a Smash. Bros-style party fighter project, skeptically titled “PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale.” Well, new evidence has turned up to support these rumors, as Sony has recently registered the web address playstationallstarsbattleroyale.com, along with the shorter URL playstationallstars.com.

Sony hasn’t actually officially announced the title yet, so most of the info we have comes from rumor and speculation. However, Sony did say that they will be making an important announcement about a huge new PS3-exclusive title this Thursday. Most fans believe that this is when they will announce their Smash. Bros-style game, whatever its name may be.

Keep your eyes peeled for Thursday’s big announcement. We will bring you more information about Sony’s new party fighter project when it becomes available.

By Angelo M. D’Argenio

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