



Pocket Mortys Out Now for iOS and Android

Pocket Mortys Out Now for iOS and Android

As Nintendo fans around the world are gearing up to celebrate 20 years of Pokemon, fans of the Adult Swim show Rick and Morty will be striving to become the greatest Morty trainer of all space and time in the iOS and Android game Pocket Mortys. If you’ve never seen Rick and Morty before you should check it out – it’s universally acclaimed (Metacritic says so)! The show follows Rick, an unhinged, alcoholic scientist, and his anxiety-ridden grandson Morty as they travel through alternate dimensions where they get into all kinds of mischief and danger.

Alternate dimensions mean alternate Mortys; lots of them. The first three lines of the game’s description on the app store are all you need to know: “Discover dozens and dozens of bizarre Mortys across the multiverse of Rick and Morty. Train and combine your Mortys to level them up and watch them grow. Battle rival Ricks from across the multiverse.” If you’re a fan of the show you’re likely already playing the game. If you’re new to Rick and Morty you should give it a shot. Not since the early seasons of South Park have I encountered a cartoon as original and hilarious as this one.

Source: Gamespot

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