



Quantic Dreams Going Multiplatform?

Quantic Dreams Going Multiplatform?


Heavy Rain was a very successful new IP for Quantic Dreams. Much of what made that success possible came from making the title a PS3 exclusive, thereby receiving the backing of Sony during its development and marketing. However, while this equation worked with Heavy Rain, Quantic Dreams is still considering going multiplatform with its future titles based on an interview between David Cage and GamesIndustry.biz.

Cage starts off by discussing the deal behind Heavy Rain, stating “I’m absolutely happy with the agreement with Sony, it was the perfect move. It was the right platform for what we wanted to achieve, it was the platform with the Blu-ray disc, promoting movies, promoting a more sophisticated entertainment experience.” He continues “Now that we’re established why are we limiting ourselves to one share of the market when we can reach more. There are pros and cons and it’s not an easy decision.” When specifically asked if he was looking to go multiplatform with his next title, he responds “We’re not looking at anything, we have people asking, and we’re seeing different options. We’re really thankful of Sony’s support and the relationship we have because there are very few publishers that would have supported Heavy Rain the way they supported us.”

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