



Sony Nixes PS3 Cross-Game Chat Idea

Sony Nixes PS3 Cross-Game Chat Idea


A while back, fans were speculating that Sony would eventually give us cross-game chat in their PS3 interface. We weren’t alone here, Sony themselves dropped some pretty heavy hints that cross-game chat was possible. Heck, they are even including it as functionality in their new PS Vita handheld.

However, now we are being told that cross-game chat is simply impossible due to RAM issues. To make a long story short, the PS3 can’t free up memory it’s already using for running games, so the PS3 can’t be retrofitted to include cross-game chat without many games simply not running properly.

So why does it work on the PS Vita then? Well, simply put, the PS Vita has more RAM than the PS3 does. The PS Vita has 512 MB of system RAM and 128 MB of V-RAM. The PS3, on the other hand, only has 256 MB of each. This means that, all together, the PS Vita has 128 MB more RAM to do stuff with, 256 MB more specifically on the system end. Only a fraction of that is needed for cross-game chat.

By Angelo M. D’Argenio

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