



Steam Community Greenlighting Service Announced

Trails of Cold Steel III key art

Steam Community Greenlighting Service Announced


Valve has just announced Steam Greenlight, a new initiative that will allow the PC gaming community to decide which games get released next on Steam.

Greenlight will allow developers, publishers, and other important figures in the gaming industry to post information about their games before they come out. Fans will then use this info to decide whether or not the games should be released on the Steam network. While the fans’ opinion will not directly be responsible for whether or not any given game gets published, it will certainly factor in to the final decisions that Valve had to make.

According to Valve’s Anna Sweet, this should “increase the volume and quality of creative submissions.” Let’s hope she is correct. Either way it’s pretty cool that Valve is willing to let the community get involved in the game creation and publication process.

Steam Greenlight will launch on August 20th, 2012. We will bring you more information when it becomes available.

By Angelo M. D’Argenio

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