



Steam In-Home Streaming Goes Live

Steam In-Home Streaming Goes Live

The Steam In-Home Streaming beta has finally come to an end. Now, anyone with a Steam account can stream to any device in their house. Why is this good? Well a number of reasons. First of all, it allows you to borrow the processing power of whatever the strongest computer in your household is. For example, say you have a gaming rig, and then a tiny notebook. That notebook will be able to play your steam game as well as your gaming rig, because it’s your gaming rig that is ACTUALLY playing it. All your notebook is doing is streaming the video game inputs.

This also means that Steam computers will be able to hook up to smart TVs as well as computers that are running OSs that their game doesn’t support. Want to play a Windows only game on Linux? Well now you can! Just stream it from a windows machine!

Source: Steam

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