



Super Street Fighter’s New DRM Plan

Super Street Fighter’s New DRM Plan


Last week, Capcom gave us details on their DRM plan for the PC version of Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition. The plan was to require an always-on internet connection in order to use all the features of the game, and to reduce the game to demo functionality when a connection wasn’t available. More specifically, players would have to be connected to Games for Windows LIVE at all times, otherwise their roster would be reduced to a mere fifteen characters.

Well, Capcom knows when to listen to its fans. Complaints were rolling in about this DRM policy, and as a result, Capcom is changing it. Christian Svensson of Capcom recently made a new blog post detailing Capcom’s thought process.

“Last week, when I put up a blog about all of the great new features and thoughtful PC-specific design considerations that were added to Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition PC, many folks ignored the goodness therein and zeroed in on the implementation of the offline mode and its limitations.

“The argument that legitimate users would have a worse experience than pirates was the loudest and most convincing. We certainly don’t want that to be the case and that was never our intention.”

We applaud Capcom for being one of the first companies to realize that excessive DRM only hurts the people that aren’t pirating games.

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