There is only one thing better than a pulse pounding, adrenaline filled, survival horror game: a free one!
Kristine Steimer, Sr. Community Specialist at Sony, brought us the news (via the PlayStation.Blog) that the latest flesh eating, zombie romp for the PS4 would be free to all PS Plus members. “We’re kicking off February with a little something for everyone…PS4 owners can give themselves a good scare by nabbing Outlast, a survival horror game where you’ll play as a freelance journalist investigating a psychiatric hospital….There’s no fighting back…you can climb or hide, and that’s it, so proceed with caution.” She touts.
This unique twist on the run-and-gun style gameplay (minus the gun in this case) forces players to approach the situations differently. Co-Founder of Red Barrels (the folks behind the game) Philippe Morin talks about trying to bring back that rush of panic so often missing from the genre these days. “…one of the most fun things about watching players make their way through Outlast has been watching the terrified looks on their faces, so we decided to step things up a notch. Newly added on PS4 is a difficulty level we call ‘insane.’ If you feel brave enough to pick this mode, you’ll have very low health, very few batteries, no checkpoints, and no chance to save your game. It’s do or die. Survive or start again.” He brags.
Outcast is available now for the PlayStation 4.