



Three Old-School Disney Games Revived on GOG

Three Old-School Disney Games Revived on GOG

Good Old Games, indeed! Three of the most iconic, 16-bit platformers have been revived on GOG. Disney may not be known for producing the best video games now, but back in the day they made that fire. I can’t tell you how many hours I spent playing Aladdin and Toy Story on my Sega Genesis. Not only did those games look incredible, but they were actually a lot of fun! I’ll never forget the birthday I woke up to breakfast in bed and a new Sega Game Gear. I spent almost that entire day playing The Lion King on that thing, and I swear I’d have fun playing that game again. In fact, I mean to.

Three of the best, classic Disney platformers – Aladdin, The Lion King, and The Jungle Book – are now available on GOG. These aren’t fancy remasters or anything like that, just the originals in all of their 16.bit, 4:3 glory. All three have been “meticulously updated to be compatible with modern operating systems while preserving the original graphics, sound, and gameplay” that we know and love. Each game is priced at $10, but there is a special launch discount of 10% if you act fast. Additionally, you can buy all three games as a bundle for $20. If you’re a sucker for the classics and have been craving a good slap in the feels, this is the deal for you. Check out the PR trailer below:

Source: Polygon

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