The new year brings with it the promise of new games, and nearly everyone is on the edge of their seat to see what 2012 has in store. No matter if you play on PS3, Xbox 360, or PC, the year ahead has something for every kind of gamer. From the new Brothers in Arms game to Metro: Last Light and more, check out this list of the five most anticipated games for 2012:
1. Brothers in Arms: Furious Four (PS3, Xbox 360, PC)

The Brothers in Arms series has traditionally been an epic yet somber take on World War II first-person shooters, but Furious 4 is changing that in radical ways. The Inglorious Bastards inspired title sees you fighting alternate-dimension Nazis who have succeeded in creating advanced superweapons. If that wasn’t enough of a departure from the previous titles, each character in Furious 4 can level up with experience, and the game will feature skill trees. Fans of the Brothers in Arms franchise are eagerly awaiting this game’s release to see how it holds up to previous releases.
2. Skullgirls (PS3, Xbox 360)

Skullgirls is truly a fighting game made by fighting game fans, for fighting game fans. Pro gamer Mike “Mike Z” Zaimont has developed this indie fighting title to include several unique and well-thought-out features. The game boasts variable team sizes, custom assists, an infinite protection system, an unblockable protection system, and one of the most in-depth tutorials that has ever been seen in a fighting game to date. For the graphics buffs, the game offers the most frames of animation ever drawn for a fighting game, running at a smooth 60FPS. It’s simple, balanced, and has the support of the fighting game community. If you play fighting games for their rock-solid mechanics, then Skullgirls should be on your radar.
3. Syndicate (PS3, Xbox 360, PC)

Syndicate is a first-person shooter (FPS) set in a dystopian corporation-ruled future and features the main character Miles Kilo. The game offers a vast array of weapons and abilities for players to utilize, including unique bullet-bending guns and the ability to “hack into” the minds of enemies. There are many details still unknown about Syndicate, but fans of dystopian FPS games are expecting the game to introduce fresh ideas to the genre.
4. Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch (PS3)

Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch is a collaboration between veteran RPG company Level-5 and the world-famous animation group Studio Ghibli. Anybody who loves films like Spirited Away or Princess Mononoke will be delighted by the prospect of exploring a Studio Ghibli world, and Ni no Kuni truly does look as though the player will be jumping right into an animated film. Although there are concerns about the game’s combat system, the setting and characters look to be an absolute delight. Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch is coming to the PlayStation 3 in 2012, most likely sometime this spring.
5. Metro: Last Light (PS3, Xbox 360, PC)

©Metro Last Light key art – Original
Metro: Last Light takes players back to the subway tunnels under Moscow, where humanity now lives in shelter from the irradiated wasteland above. The Dark Ones were destroyed at the end of the previous game, Metro 2033, but humanity is still the biggest threat to itself. Both the Communist and neo-Nazi factions return in full force, waging war against each other. And once again, Artyom is stuck in the middle. Step into his shoes in this first-person shooter/horror game when it lands this summer.
The image featured at the top of this post is ©The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III key art.