



Torchlight II Sells Over One Million Copies

Torchlight II Sells Over One Million Copies

In celebration of the impending New Year, Runic Games has announced, via Twitter, that Torchlight II has surpassed the one million sales milestone. In the increasingly popular gaming industry, where blockbuster titles such as Call of Duty and Grand Theft Auto achieve monstrous numbers, one million in sales for a game released three months ago might not seem like an especially auspicious achievement.

The original Torchlight, however, was released in October of 2009, but didn’t pass the one million sales mark until July of 2011, over eighteen later. Whether the increase in Torchlight II’s popularity is due to word of mouth, better advertising, the increased popularity of digital distribution, disappointment in Diablo III, or the inclusion of a multiplayer mode would be impossible to determine. Suffice to say, it may not be an absolute blockbuster, but Torchlight II has been a successful sequel for Runic Games.

Source: Twitter

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