



UPDATE: Anonymous Refocuses Sony Attack

UPDATE: Anonymous Refocuses Sony Attack


Last week, we reported that Anonymous had announced their intention to attack Sony , as well as a collection of individual celebrities, for their support of the SOPA bill that is being debated in Congress. As individuals flocked to the IRC room Anonymous was using as a launch pad for their anti-Sony operation, however, a debate arose as to whether the PlayStation Network should or shouldn’t be a viable target.

Anonymous, as a result, has decided not to target the PSN on a grand scale, focusing itself on revealing the personal information of Sony executives and defacing the company’s websites. While this activity is still far from legal and beyond one’s capacity to condone, the fact that Anonymous is considering the impact of their actions on the regular people they wish to represent demonstrates a desire to reduce their collateral damage. Is it an indication of maturity arising in the Anonymous movement? Probably not on the whole; in fact, one could argue that it speaks to a more focused, more cautious Anonymous, which could prove even more dangerous in the long run.

But that’s just one possibility. It’s worth remembering that any organization, from Sony on down to Anonymous, is composed of individuals and ruled by their ideas. From day to day, week to week, the opinions of even the most structured conglomerate body can shift (see the removal of major companies like EA, Nintendo, and Sony’s game division from the list of SOPA supporters). With a group like Anonymous, which has no official hierarchy or structure, those shifts can be impressively fast and volatile.

By Shelby Reiches

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