According to a report by IGN’s John Tanaka, the Virtual Console Arcade will be getting some serious support from Namco Bandai in Japan in the near future. The article reveals that Namco Bandai has 30 games already earmarked for the service (4 already released and another 26 in the wings). While the majority of them are titles most North American gamers are not interested in, the sheer amount of support serves to signal to gamers that the VCA will be a force to contend with. Moreover, pricing is so reasonable and Wii Menu 4.0 and the storage solution work so well that other companies are surely going to jump right in. Look for games like Qbert, The Simpsons, Off-Road, Dragon’s Lair, and more to come out of the woodwork. Below you’ll find a list of the upcoming Namco Bandai titles coming to VCA in Japan: Assault |
The image featured at the top of this post is ©The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III key art.