



Watch_Dogs Delayed, No Longer a Next-Gen Launch Title

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Watch_Dogs Delayed, No Longer a Next-Gen Launch Title

According to Ubisoft, Watch_Dogs , the much anticipated next-generation, open-world cyberpunk title, will not be coming out this year. Originally slated as a launch title for the Xbox One and PlayStation 4, Watch_Dogs has now been delayed to spring of 2014.

“Our ambition from the start with Watch_Dogs has been to deliver something that embodies what we wanted to see in the next-generation of gaming,” Ubisoft said in a statement. “It is with this in mind that we’ve made the tough decision to delay the release until spring 2014.”

Unfortunately, this affects certain people more than others. Anyone who pre-ordered the Watch_Dogs PlayStation 4 bundle via Amazon will not be receiving Watch_Dogs at all. They will still be receiving a PS4 on release day, but what will happen to their copy of Watch_Dogs is still unclear. Anyone who pre-ordered Watch_Dogs alone will simply have to wait until the game releases. GameStop, on the other hand, is offering to let people keep their current bundles and simply receive the console after the delay, or change their orders and possibly deal with being put on the reserve list. Kind of a lose, lose situation there.

Source: Ubisoft Press Release

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